Are you confused between #hastag or @tags ? Here is some clarifications: On Facebook, Instagram and Twitter , the pound sign (or hash) turns any word or group of words that directly follow it into a searchable link. This allows you to organise content and track discussion topics based on those keywords. So, if you wanted to post about social media for example, you would include #socialmedia in your post to join the conversation. You can click on a hashtag to see all the posts that mention the subject in real time. @Tagging people in social media photos can extend the reach of those photos, which is likely why some of us want to tag everyone and their brother – so to speak. !!! But be careful with tagging people who are not actually in the photo. It could be considered spam or at least annoying. !!! only tag people in photos – no matter the network (Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all allow it) – when people are actually in them. Hope these clarifications hel...