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Showing posts from April, 2020

5 simple ways your office can become more eco-friendly and efficient

Happy Earth day! A day that reminds us to continue to do the little things that help our environment. Things like turning off the lights, the conservation of energy, plant trees, recycle, reduce, and reuse.   A very good question to ask yourself with your small business: "How does your small business contribute to a better planet?" Here are 5 simple ways your office can become more eco-friendly and efficient: 1-Pull the plug One very easy thing you can do is to turn off computers, and other electronics when they're not in use. All of your equipment must be switched off at the main plug.  Turn off electronics, lighting, and heat every evening. It might take a little bit of praqctise to get these new habits into place. Be patient and keep at it! 2-Switch your lighting  Install energy-efficient light bulbs.  There are two main types of energy efficient light bulbs available in the UK. Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFLs) and Light Emitting Diodes (LE...