We are here to help you get heard, be seen and stay calm, so your business can enjoy all you’ve set it up to do. We have 3 dates to help support you so book your place on this free event as we share our strategies that can keep you in business and help you thrive beyond the pandemic. Get your ticket for one of the 3 dates! FREE Ticket , simply register here > https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/be-heard-be-seen-be-calm-in-business-tickets-124061129177 or or message us ! Come join our powerhouse team of experts who are here to help you be heard, seen and stay calm as you run your small business in these challenging time. We know it’s become critical for you and your business to be heard and seen but we also know that you have to be in a place of calm to achieve this. You cannot take chances these days because the competition is ready to take from you the little piece of the market you already hold. #learfromexperts #leartogrow #learntoolstogrowyourbusi...