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Always create as much value as you can!

Wouldn’t you say that you love when you get more and beyond what you expected from your purchase? I do! If you haven’t done so already or if you haven’t done in a while, we recommend rthaqt you take a step back and ask yourself: “Are you doing everything you can to create as much value as you can to your customers ?”
Humans are unique among animals in our ability to create value and meaning.Value = benefits of a product or service minus its costs
As an entrepreneur and SME owner,  it is vital to understand what drives value for your customers. The more you focus on learning from and about them, the better service you’ll be able to provide to them and the rest of your customers.
I believe that nowadays because of our current economy and the high competition value can be defined as so much more!
  • Value can also add value  in terms of:  A/”New” Value B/”More” Value or C/”Better” Value
  • Free resources,  free guide, free printable PDF etc…. are a great way to create added value and showcase your brand’s ability to offer ‘a little something extra’ to customers.
  • All facets of your business can create value, not just the product that you sell. You could add value with outstanding response time, customer service etc…
When making a purchase yourself don’t you find yourself lead by the question is “is it value for money”?…
Best value for money according to is defined as the most advantageous combination of cost, quality and sustainability to meet customer requirements. So remember to keep this in mind and continuously ask yourself: “What value does my/our product(s) or service(s) create for my customers?”
And remember…nothing sells your business better than great marketing from your customers themselves (reviews, word of mouth…) who are happy with the value you provided them!
Remember be generous, to generate a minimum viable positive customer experience.
Ariane x
CCJM business co-pilot ðŸ‘©‍✈️ for startups and small businessesCCJM business co-pilot 👩‍✈️ for startups and small businesses

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