this coming year 2020 "Create your own path"
Read the 7 yearly reflections from Ariane Director & FOUnder
of CCJM consulting & The Gaia network
As it’s nearly the end of the year 2019, reflection-time sets in. Looking back can be very useful in many ways.
As it’s nearly the end of the year 2019, reflection-time sets in. Looking back can be very useful in many ways.This is may take different forms such as taking time to look at what has worked and what hasn’t in ones life and look how you would do or have done things differently.
Look back at my life and my professional experiences, these are some important life changing lessons I have learnt I would like to share:
1-Dream big: Listen to your favourite online mentors. Stay away from people who did not make it and who are trying to discourage you from trying. Stay away from people limited by their own self-limitation beliefs or negative behaviours. Be aware that although some people appear to be or pretend to mean you well - they will try to discourage you from succeeding where they have failed themselves.
2- Create your custom-made vision of success. Be yourself. Be proud of who you are. Embrace all your differences. And this attitude you will make you shine and it will attract your own tribe.
3- Create your own path. Take control, be a Warrior not a Victim. Don’t let anyone tell you what you can or can’t do with your life. People will always try to tell you what you can do or can’t do. Some will even try to belittle you or indirectly insult you but don’t be fooled and be strong!
4- Failing is part of learning process and growing. Embrace the process of trying - failing - learning and trying again better. Accept and welcome the unknown as a challenge. It might be uncomfortable at first but the feeling of achievement will out-weight the pain of the discomfort. Pushing you out of your comfort zone will take you to these places you haven’t even dreamt about.
5- Live your life to make a positive difference in this world. Focus on this and the rest will seem insignificant.
6- Find your purpose in life and follow that purpose. It might take a while to find it, but once you find it, it will become a bright shining light. Use it as your Life compass! As you remember your big WHY you won’t get lost.
7- Ask for help without thinking twice! Look for your local support groups, check online on local meet-up platforms and communities. Together you are always stronger.
To your success !
Ariane Eva Morin is a transformative leader at CCJM Business Consulting and a “soulful serial-entrepreneur. She operates as a co-pilot for health and wellness start-ups and small businesses helping them to start and grown their business with her online consulting services.
Company Name: CCJM Consulting Ltd
Contact Person: Ariane Eva Morin
Email: Send Email
Address:Brentford Business Centre
City: Brentford, England
Country: 🇬🇧 United Kingdom
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