It’s FREEBIE FRIDAY ! ‘Goal planning & tracking FREE workbook’
You have heard it before: "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" from Benjamin Franklin. Success doesn't happen by accident. It takes planning, knowing where you are heading and how you will get there. This is very much the case in Life and in Business too!
Feeling overwhelmed, stressed, discouraged, frustrated because you are not reaching your goals?
We have put together CCJM Consulting Ltd this 8-pages workbook to help you in that process. A winning process to PLAN - TRACK & REACH your goals with our CCJM Consulting workbook!
If you want to gain success, the first thing you should do is to set your goals.
Second is tracking your progress. The tracking part is really important: in order to attain your goal(s), you should monitor it/them regularly, allowing you to observe its progress. Progress occurs little by little. Your goal should be achieved within a specific time frame.
We'd love to hear your progress with this - So let's get started!
Download this great ‘Goal planning & tracking FREE workbook’
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