The Best Time is NOW!
Do you have a business Idea for 2020? Take action with these 4 simple steps these Christmas holidays
As the New Year 2020 is now approaching very fast - only a few days away - if setting up your business for 2020 is on your resolution list then I would urge you to start taking some sort of actions NOW!
Holiday Season is the time we enjoy with loved ones, friends and/or family. Whether you want to or not, you are very likely to get distracted from your business start up projects! BUT eventually you managed to get some quiet you time and you want to take some actions but you are not too sure where to start?
Getting your thoughts organised about a project is often one of the most difficult parts of getting it started. Take a notepad and start making some notes. Start simple!
Try this over the next few days these holidays:
- Clarify your business motivations and vision. You can do this by writing it down or creating a vision board of your business and your life or creating a brand new one! You can do a paper version of you vision board or an electronic one. Pinterest Boards are really useful for that. Mind mapping or simply brainstorming on paper/notepad can be other options. Let your mind wander and write it down and save it!
- Start drafting out a business PLAN covering various aspect such as: WHAT, WHO, WHY and HOW of your business idea. Simply open a A4 document on word or equivalent and start by creating these 4 sections (WHAT, WHO, WHY and HOW). Simple as this! Once you have started with that the rest will flow. You don’t need to do it all at once. You can break it down over few days. Although sometimes once you have inspiration it might be wise to write things down and revisit and review these another day with fresh eyes.
- Do some online research on your competition, prices, packages...etc. Go on Google, Amazon, E-bay and do your research. Learn what your competitors are doing. What you like about it or not. What or how you can do things differently and better. Study your audience and the market trends. What do they really want?
- Draft some questions you could ask potential customers/clients about your project to get some feedback on your business idea.
You can use this as a starting point to your business project and keep working on it until you feel confident enough to take action!
The next step will be to bring your business plan to reality. Strategy + planning + right mindset + some start up funding will keep you going in the right direction.
Don't be scared to ask for help!
Look for your local business support groups, check online on local meet-up platforms or simply get in touch with us for an "Effective Biz Strategy 1:1 online Session". Apply online to see if we can help you !
For all press enquiries and face to face consultations, additional information, bookings, high-resolution images please contact us at
Address:Brentford Business Centre
City: Brentford, UK 🇬🇧
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